Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pet Rat Clothes

                Pet rat clothes have become an interesting fashion fad within the world of rats, just as it has with dogs. People are becoming interested in buying pet rat clothes, along with trying to find them online, so now there is a slight demand for them. Some rats may be quite opposed to being all dolled up, while others are more carefree. If you are thinking about dressing your pet rat, you should be sure to keep the animal’s comfort in mind. Now, I am going to point out a few notes regarding pet rat clothes, where to find them, and can you make them???

                Pet rat clothes are slowly making their way into the fashion world, as they wait on a heightened demand from consumers. There are already many shops online that sell rat clothes, whether it be for costume or regular wear. The only problem with rat clothes is that rats are so small, and different varieties can have different body structure sizes. Therefore, you may want the clothes custom made or be able to compare the dimensions. Pet rat clothes can be absolutely cute, but you don’t want them to be sized wrong!

                If you have come this far, you must be interested in buying pet rat clothes!  One of the best places to find pet rat clothes is online. Many vendors and creators sell their items online, to attract a wider audience. They know that a local market is difficult to find so they stick to the cyber sales world. There are people who make conventional rat clothing, then those who will make extravagant gowns. If you do a little searching on good old, you are sure to find something to suit your needs. Just be sure to include any other detail words, perhaps clothing type or color, to help narrow your search.

                If you are looking for something one of a kind, pet rat clothes can be a DIY (do it yourself) project! Basic sewing skills, clothing plans, sewing machine or thread and needle, fabric, steam iron, and a few decorative items are all you need! You can incorporate more decoration also, including: lace, buttons, frill, iron on decals and patches, pockets, metallic hem, embroidery, and much more. Just let your creative side run wild. You never know- you may own the first popular rat fashion line. Fashion can be a fun hobby.

                Now that you have a little information on the fun and whacky world of pet rat clothes, you can incorporate them into your rat’s soon to be wardrobe.  As previously stated, you should ensure that your rat is okay with wearing clothes, because it can quickly go from fun and cute for the owner to stressful torture for the rat. Just remember: If you hated being dressed up, would you let your sisters do it constantly? Probably not J so just keep the ratty’s feelings in mind when playing dress up with the pet rat clothes.

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