Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pet Rat Accessories: What Your Pet Rat May Like

                Pet rat accessories are a fairly important part of owning a pet rat. Accessories include basic needs, health supplies for rats, and other things such as toys or fashion. Your pet rat should have everything it needs, and some really great owners will buy tons of items for their pet rats in the assumption that they will keep them as happy, healthy, and perhaps as adorable, as possible. Some owners know that it does not take much money to keep a pet rat happy, as long as they keep the basics. We are going to cover the extra pet rat accessories, with the basic needs being covered in other articles.
                One of the newest fads in pet rat accessories is clothing and fashion. Many people have begun to buy clothing and stylish accessories for their pet rats. They may buy simple items such as hats, bows and rat jewelry; Or they may buy larger or more extravagant items such as rat costumes, pet rat clothing, dresses, and other items.
                Other pet rat accessories that have been around for ages are external play items and areas, such as running balls or exercise balls (which the rat is safely enclosed in, allowing it to explore the house), tunnel systems (some people may run these through the walls of the home, so the rat can enjoy a bird’s eye view of many rooms), and treat balls. These all allow for mental stimulation, allowing the rat to explore and figure out different ways to retrieve treats from the ball.
                One other example of pet rat accessories is personalized ratty belongs. People will buy pet rat accessories such as travel bags, sleeping pouches, rat hammocks, and more, then personalize them with different fabrics or the name of the rat. These are usually a little expensive, but can take a rat cage from boring and normal, to a hip and colorful lounge for the rat.
                Pet rat accessories are a great consideration when owning a pet rat, especially if you would like to spoil your pet with extra cash you may have. However, the ultimate pampering for a pet rat costs absolutely nothing: Tons of love and attention! Pet rats crave tons of social interaction, and will miss you and greet you just as cats and dogs will. Your rat will enjoy having tons of pet rat accessories and toys, so don’t be afraid to splurge on them every now and then!

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