Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rat Cage Accessories: What To Put In You Pet Rat's Home

                Rat cage accessories can make the
difference between a happy rat and a very bored and

depressed rat. Here, we will tell you what rat cage accessories you will need and the best places to find them. You want to ensure that your rat’s or rats’ health is maintained, that they get plenty of exercise, and lots of mental enrichment; rats are highly intelligence animals and need to be stimulated much like people do. Rat cage accessories can help with this.  
                Of course, of all rat cage accessories, you should always have a house or hideaway for the rat. Rats need “safety zones” where they can run and hide if frightened. This will also be their bed. You should also have a wheel, as this is one of the most favored exercise equipment as far as rats are

concerned in my experience. They love to run the wheel, and often times you will see a rat pair running on it at the same time. At first, the rats are awkward and falling- after practice, the rats become very in sync and it is quite cute! You should also be sure to include perches and ropelike rat cage accessories throughout the upper areas of the cage; it makes for ratty monkey bars, for them to run across, jump between, and climb through. Occasionally rearrange where their ends are to make different designs for the rats to relearn. Chewies are very important rat cage accessories.  These help rats to wear down their teeth, satisfy the urge to chew, and provide something for your rat to do while bored. Chewies come in the form of wooden shapes, logs, formed chewie houses and bridges, and even as bones and hides. There are many different options. Do not forget to use appropriate bird toys in your rat’s cage, as these are entertaining for rats too. They can be stimulating also- and there are so many different items including hanging bells, bridges, ladders, and more. Our last item in rat cage accessories is a salt wheel! You should always include a salt and mineral wheel in your rat’s cage. This will help to supplement them with necessary minerals and nutrients. Rat cage accessories are very important to have!
                Now, it’s time to discuss where you can find all of the rat cage accessories. Of course, first option would be pet stores and pet supply stores. However, they will probably have some high prices. Thus, you can take item information, and check large supply stores online. If you want to find the cheapest prices, then it would be good to look at or Usually, people may have bought the products and didn’t need them, so they listed them at really low prices on ebay hoping to find a potential buyer. For you, this is a lucky (money saving) opportunity!

                Rat cage accessories are important for every rat owner’s arsenal. Keeping your pet rat healthy and happy is a primary concern, just as it is with any pet owner. Now that you have a good idea of what items should be in your rat’s cage, you can easily find and purchase them with no problem. You may even be able to find them for free through friends and family, or for pennies on the dollar at yard sales and consignment shops. Rat cage accessories are necessary for every rat!

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